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The world's only truly independent Counter-Terrorism group is The B-Squad!

Working outside of political constraints this organisation selects people from their facebook profiles to fight The War on Terror. Its primary objective is to prevent supplies of weapons, ammo, and explosives going to terrorists.

A Brave New Squad



The first book in the B-Squad series starts with a bang as the reader is introduced to the main character and leader of the B-Squad, Michael Ryan. The story follows him as his life is torn apart when armed men enter his home and kill his girlfriend. Hurt and alone he is picked up by another woman, Rachel Griffin, who turns out to be the recruiter for a new counter-terrorist organisation. Michael then leads this new squad of eight, each selected from facebook due to their unique skills, on four dangerous and deadly missions against terrorism. The twist at the end packs as big a punch as the first chapter and leaves the reader gasping for more.

In Each Other We Trust



The story of Michael Ryan and his new squad continues as they seek revenge on their creators and avenge the deaths of those initial members who didn't make it through the first four missions. The story of the B-Squad growing into a world-wide anti-terrorist force unfolds as the squadron grows and evolves through more exciting missions culminating in a three-ponged attack on Al-Qaeda training camps in North Africa.

The Enemy Within



This is another heart-thumping action thriller which starts in Libya in early 2012. The B-Squad is spilt into specialist groups and its Close Protection unit is in the African Nation rescuing British Oil workers as the Gaddafi Regime crumbles. The main story then develops as the organisation sets up a new base in the USA and the various specialist groups hit out against terrorism across the globe but all the while they have an Enemy Within. This is a clever story that mixes fact with fiction and takes the reader on a journey across continents as the B-Squad fights terror with terror ending in an all out War in the disputed northern territories of Pakistan.




B-Squad part one, COURAGE, and part two, REVENGE, are combined in this version of A Brave New Squad and In Each Other We Trust. Recommended reading before The Enemy Within.

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